I know that a lot of you who follow this blog own your own businesses so I want to share a couple things you may find helpful.
First, I've started a business called
aWAEHQn dreams Success Coaching specifically geared toward Women Artisan Entrepreneurs and I'd like to invite you to join my community :)
My mission is to give women entrepreneurs the knowledge and tools they need to successfully make a living from their passion and run their small business on a small budget while also empowering them to grow as big as they want to be and live the life they have imagined.
I'm starting with a
facebook page and
twitter account and hope to turn this into a bustling community with answers to all the challenges... business and personal... that you face as a woman entrepreneur.
I just started on March 30th and I have so much to share. My fingers can't type fast enough...LOL. So, if you have or want to start your own business,
hop on over to join the journey! You can catch up on the blog posts, read
About Me and How aWAEHQn dreams Came to Be and take a look at
how it will help you and what I have to offer. And please take a sec to say hello and introduce yourself and your business to the community :)
Second... If you're looking for an all-inclusive business program to join, there's a fabulous one launching right now called
WE Mastermind. (You probably already noticed the pretty ad over there on the right side and now you can learn what it's all about!) It's put on by two leading online entrepreneurs, Natalie Sisson and Natalie MacNeil. So, if you want to build a thriving online business doing what you love, take a look at the
Want More? Dream BIG? page over on the aWAEHQn dreams blog to find out all about it.
Don't wait though... there's a limit to how many women they can accept into the program. Take some time between now and Sunday to invest in yourself, make an informed decision about whether this program is right for you and learn a whole lot for FREE while you do it.

Go read all about
WE Mastermind, the things you'll learn, and the opportunities you'll get. And look at the testimonials from women who have done the program. Yes, your truly is one of them ;) As you're reading this over, consider whether you think it would help you get to that perfect life you've been picturing.
* MOST IMPORTANT * Please follow this link to sign up and
be my guest at the WE Mastermind webinar this Sunday! It's being held at 4pm EDT on Sunday, May 13th. Now I know... it's Mother's Day here in the US. But, trust me, you don't want to miss it. Even if you end up deciding that
WE Mastermind is not for you, you'll learn a great deal just by attending the webinar itself and it's FREE for you to attend. So, please take advantage of the opportunity.
In addition to great content, they're also going to have awesome giveaways and a special offer so don't miss
this webinar!! You have nothing to lose... but everything to gain :)
And, if you have any questions, just ask. I'd be happy to help.