How are ya? Ready to hear the events of today? I had a really productive day...good thing...lots to do! I have a designer's portfolio that I use for juried shows (when I have to be judged to be accepted), but when I was asked to submit my portfolio to be considered for this event, I made a new one specifically geared toward it and today I printed copies to bring with me.

This is the PC side of my upstairs workshop.... printing pages for my portfolio.
(Using the PC's been a pain in the butt lately... the keyboard and mouse went kaput when I installed the new router last month so I'm using temp ones and I hate them.)
(Using the PC's been a pain in the butt lately... the keyboard and mouse went kaput when I installed the new router last month so I'm using temp ones and I hate them.)
Getting ready to take over the dining room and turn it into another workshop
(this is actually a nightly occurrence)...LOL
These are all the pages of my new portfolio.
I started an album on Facebook for all the photos of this journey so you can take a look at that and it will allow you to see larger photos...and pix of each of the portfolio pages are in the album too.
You can find it here...
Separating all the pages.....
This is how the inside looks when it's all put together.
These are my brochure, QR code and business card holders to display.
I had to package some jewelry I made that I want to bring Saturday.
Here are some of the new Signature Collection and Hearts Collection Earrings all ready to go :)
I hope you're enjoying this adventure. I'm very happy to have you along!! There's lots more to do tomorrow. I'll be doing a dry run set-up of my table and packing everything I need. Right now I have a date with my new Droid Bionic... I need to go learn how to use it!!! And then download the apps I need and test my new credit card processing more lugging a laptop to shows... YAY!!!
Once I do that, maybe I can go get some sleep so I'll be ready to rock n roll again tomorrow ;) Have a wonderful night. I'll see you tomorrow!
♥ Debi
Boy, you have been a very busy bee! Lot of behind the scenes elbow grease going into your show. Everything looks great! Willbe looking forwart to catching your next post!
Should proof my comments! Typing on my back while laying on the ice packs! Hurt my back this summer, cannot sit for very long, and my daughter has been sweet enough to let me use her laptop when I rest. That's why I have a lot of typos! :)
Hi Lisa! Sorry you're in so much pain. I can sympathize...I have a long history of back injuries. I'm glad you're enjoying following along on my journey! Very happy you're here :)
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