Monday, July 30, 2012

Be Inspired by 100 Change Makers in 100 Days

Today I'd like to introduce you to Natalie Sisson. Some of you may know her. And, if you've been around here at all, you've heard me talk about her. Natalie is The Suitcase Entrepreneur. She spends her time travelling the world, having all kinds of great adventures and raising money for worthy causes, all the while running her business from her laptop!

You may have heard about one of her recent EPIC adventures: Natalie rode in the Tour d'Afrique. Yup, she rode her bike 4,000 miles across Africa and raised $12,612 for Women Win in the process. Pretty amazing, huh?

More recently, she was in Portland, Oregon for the World Domination Summit. At the end of the weekend, Chris Guillebeau gave everyone who attended $100 (basically gave away $100,000 in 7 minutes!) and asked them to do something with it - start a project, surprise someone or do something entirely different.

Natalie dreams BIG... and does BIG. She's also passionate about helping others, especially women entrepreneurs. So, with her $100, she decided to start a whole new HUGE initiative to make as big of a difference with that $100 as she possibly can. (You can read the post on her blog about how she came to the decision.)

This initiative is called $100 Change. It's designed to change hundreds of entrepreneurs' lives and to show people that they can achieve major change in their lives and the lives of others with $100.

$100 Change initiativeHere are the details in Natalie's own words: "I’m going to get 100 change-makers to share 100 pieces of amazing insight and resources (in different formats from video, to text, to audio and even bonus giveaways). I’m then going to provide these in a set of daily kick-ass emails that ensure you get one step closer to creating your ideal lifestyle business.

These short and sweet nuggets of wisdom will guide you towards making significant change in your life and business so that at the end of 100 days you are inspired to take bold and purposeful action.

I’m going to do this, I promise you that. It’s big and bold and daunting but many change-makers have already stepped up and I’m thrilled."

The initiative launches on September 1, 2012. You’ll get 100 inspiring emails for 100 days containing insight, wisdom and advice from 100 Change-Makers for $1 a day.

Over the course of 100 days you’ll be guided on how to make significant change in your life and start a business or project that matters and at the end of the 100 days you’ll get all of these emails in a beautiful digital guide to keep.

These emails will be short and sweet, but oh so valuable. Some will contain written wisdom, some short videos, audios or even gifts.

Plus at the end of this 100 day period you’ll have the opportunity to apply for 1 of 10 scholarships to get your business or project off the ground (details to come)!

And, as if that weren't enough, everyone who gets on her early notification list and completes a couple simple tasks to spread the word, will be entered in a drawing to win a ticket to the 2013 World Domination Summit (value = $500) that will take place Sunday, August 5, 2012 at 6pm EDT!!

Are you inspired? Then head on over and check it out!

I think this is so amazing and inspiring. One of my favorite quotes is "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" by Mahatma Gandhi. Congratulations to Natalie on an awesome idea for change and I wish her the best of luck and success!!

Much success,

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