Thursday, March 10, 2011

So, does "Murphy" follow you around, too?!?

Who's Murphy? Well, that's how I refer to Murphy's Law...ya know the whole everything-that-can-go-wrong-will thing... Murphy and I are on a first name basis. As a matter of fact I often feel like Murphy runs my life! And I reeeeeeally wish he'd go run someone else' I set up a couple tables of my jewelry last weekend at a prom dress sale being held to benefit the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. The event was hosted by my next-door-neighbor, Laura...who did a fabulous job and raised lots of money. She asked me to show my jewelry thinking the girls would find it helpful to choose jewelry to match their gowns when they bought them and could match the color. Well, they did and it went well. And, of course, I appreciated the invite :)

Well, once I was home and started carrying things downstairs to put them away, didn't I just stumble landing sideways on my foot. It hurt, but I figured I just twisted it and it would go away. Well, it didn' got foot ended up looking like a little balloon! It ends up that I sprained my ankle. Well, at least we hope that's doctor sent me for x-rays to make sure there aren't any fractures! Damn Murphy...again!!

So, I'm curious...does Murphy follow you around, too? I hope not.

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