Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Two More Lampwork Glass Artist Page Submissions


Two more talented glass artists stopped by the website to tell us a bit about themselves!! Patsy Evins of Patsy Evins Studio put together a page. And I've never purchased her beads (wipe that shocked look off your face...LOL) so it gave me a chance to get to know her, too.

And Heather Behrendt of Lampwork Glass Beads by Heather Behrendt took the time to do a page also. Heather does beautiful work and her specialty is scrolled beads at which she is spectacular. She even posted a photo of her studio/workshop so we get to see where the magic happens! Here's one of Heather's beautiful scrolled beads...yup, I scooped this one right up :)

You can find Patsy's page here. And you can find Heather's page here. I hope you'll take a look at them...Enjoy!!

~ Debi

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